Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Take 3.

For some reason, the idea to try a third time to breathe some life into this blog has hit me. This post will be a ramble until I get a bit organized.

I have had a lot of life changes in my life in the last two years. New job(s), new friends, new goals. This year I vowed to really take care of myself. That meant my health, my fitness, my emotional state and even splurging a little bit on myself in ways that helped the above.

With that said, since my last post I am somewhat sad to report that my migraines have been an uphill battle. I say only somewhat because I have learned a lot in the past year and a half as I search for relief and continue to have a positive outlook and vigilant optimism. Here's a short list:

  1. I am stronger than I think I am.
  2. I am also weaker than I think I am and I mean that in the most self respecting way possible. But basically, I am NOT Superwoman and I cannot, in fact, do it all. 
  3. I am learning to be ok with #2.
  4. Oh, I can't have cheese. Or any dairy for that matter. This was a low blow at first. And to some degree it still is. I don't find myself craving or missing dairy, I just find it hard to navigate a dairy-full world. It's way more difficult to me than avoiding gluten. 
  5. I am in control. I have taken control of my care, my body and my health. 
I have one affirmation for myself that I must remember and repeat multiple times a day. At first I thought it was silly and I'm not gonna lie, I sometimes roll my eyes when I see other people post affirmations for themselves on Facebook. So I promise not to beat YOU over the head with it, just me. And for me, here it is. 

I will have strength, health and peace in my body and my life.

And allll that said? I need some bed-supper*. Time for some Chex with rice milk. 

*I tried to link to the meaning and origin of "bed-supper" but apparently my Grandma Olive made it up and it doesn't exist. Basically, it's a snack before bedtime. Not highly recommended by fitness gurus of our time. But Grandmas around the world give it the thumbs up. Especially if it involves an old fashioned jelly roll or a cheez whiz butty